
New Doctors for Children website


The Doctors for Children website has been completely revamped

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New Cyberpolis for Epilepsy and Craniopharyngioma


The epilepsy and craniopharyngioma Cyberpolis can be visited now. Thanks to this, the Cyberpoli now lists no fewer than 19 disorders! You can read lots of information and interviews about these two new disorders and you can of course ask questions to experts in the panel.

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Cyberpoli in 'Kinderarts & Samenleving'


In het nieuwste magazine van 'Kinderarts en samenleving' van de NVK staat een groot artikel over de Cyberpoli! Lees hier het artikel! (PDF)

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New in Cyberpoli: Haemophilia and Von Willebrand disease


Launch of a further 2 new Cyberpolis: Haemophilia and Von Willebrand disease. Read the interviews, the extensive medical information or ask a question to one of the experts at the new Cyberpolis on Haemophilia and Von Willebrand disease.

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